Participant 1
Initial description: The grid size is doubled in both directions, but the relative positions for the input boxes stay the same. Then those boxes flow downwards, to the bottom right side in a diagonal format.
Final description: The grid size is doubled in both directions, but the relative positions for the input boxes stay the same. Then those boxes flow downwards, to the bottom right side in a diagonal format.

Participant 2
Initial description: The blocks from the input would continue diagonally with their original color.
Final description: Starting with the test input I made the area bigger to a sis by six and laid the test input in the top left corner. I then extended the lines from each block down diagonally and to the left.

Participant 3
Initial description: Turn into a 6x6 grid. Place colors in the same position as their 3x3 input example and then have the colors form a diagonal line downwards to the right.
Final description: Turn into a 6x6 grid. Place colors in the same position as their 3x3 input example and then have the colors form a diagonal line downwards to the right.

Participant 4
Initial description: The output needs to be resized into 6 by 6. Afterward, the colors need to go diagonally until they reach the end.
Final description: The output needs to be resized into 6 by 6. Afterward, the colors need to go diagonally until they reach the end.

Participant 5
Initial description: The 3x3 input is copied to a 6x6 grid, and copied down and right 1 until the end of the grid
Final description: The input 3x3 grid is copied onto a 6x6 grid, the 3x3 input is then copied again 1 row right and 1 down, and that repeats until the bottom of the grid is reached.

Participant 6
Initial description: To make it the same color, but more squares.
Final description: To make it look like a flag with same colors.

Participant 7
Initial description: Create the same image using the top left 3x3 of a 6x6 grid. Then follow the same pattern going to the bottom left, using the same colors in a line.
Final description: Create the same image using the top left 3x3 of a 6x6 grid. Then follow the same pattern going to the bottom left, using the same colors in a line.

Participant 8
Initial description: Create 6x6 grid. Create diagonals based upon color and position of squares in input.
Final description: Create 6x6 grid. Create diagonals based upon color and position of squares in input.