Participant 1

Initial description: The colored grid is removed and the remaining cells are reduced to one cell per color.

Final description: The cells that are in a grid shape represent the grid of the output. Each colored square within the grid represents a single cell in the output. The output flips the image horizontally.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: The input consists of a grid of squares of different colors. Take those colored squares and reduce each on to a single 1x1 box. Then mirror the result left-right. The vertical and horizontal lines in the input that separate the squares are not in the output.

Final description: The input consists of a grid of squares of different colors. Take those colored squares and reduce each on to a single 1x1 box. Then mirror the result left-right. The vertical and horizontal lines in the input that separate the squares are not in the output.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 3

Initial description: I accidentally clicked twice on the button.

Final description: The output has to match the number of square tiles that are all in one color. Then the grid on the output has to be flipped like a mirror to opposite sides.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 4

Initial description: The grid shrunk to 4X4. The bigger blocks were used as a guide for the inside and inverted.

Final description: Grid was changed to a four by four. The bigger blocks were used for the inside and flipped.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 5

Initial description: change the grid to opposite side.

Final description: change the grid to opposite side.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: Change the grid size to match the number of squares between the light blue lines going vertically and horizontally. Then match the colored squares by mirroring them.

Final description: Change the grid size to match the number of squares between the light blue lines going vertically and horizontally. Then match the colored squares by mirroring them.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 7

Initial description: Create a complete horizontal and vertical red line from each red square, and then color the enclosed squares blue.

Final description: Create a complete horizontal and vertical red line from each red square, and then color the enclosed squares blue.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 8

Initial description: mirror the grid and remove the blue lines

Final description: mirror the grid and remove the blue lines

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 9

Initial description: Accidently pressed submit

Final description: Using the test input as an example, make each section of color that was separated by light blue equal 1 square on the grid. Take that image and flip it horizontally.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 10

Initial description: change the grid to 4x4 and the pattern is the same as the test input

Final description: change the grid to 4x4 and the pattern is the same as the test input but reversed

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 11

Initial description: I made it in a reverse order.

Final description: I made it in a reverse order.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 12

Initial description: I guessed it is a mirror of the test input keeping the colors intact.

Final description: I guessed it is a mirror of the test input keeping the colors intact.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 13

Initial description: reduce the pattern from the input to lower resolution in the output

Final description: lower resolution of input and flip vertically

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct