Participant 1

Initial description: Color every other column the color of the square provided in the input starting with the column the square is in and proceed to the right of the matrix. Place gray squares alternating between the top and bottom of each black column in between the colored columns, staring with a gray square on top for the first black column after the first colored column.

Final description: Color every other column the color of the square provided in the input starting with the column the square is in and proceed to the right of the matrix. Place gray squares alternating between the top and bottom of each black column in between the colored columns, staring with a gray square on top for the first black column after the first colored column.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: To be honest this was a guess. I think the gray somehow goes in between colors.

Final description: I thought the gray somehow went in the edges between colors but this was hard for me.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 3

Initial description: Each input is transformed by a machine that applies a hidden rule to produce a corresponding output.

Final description: Each input is transformed by a machine that applies a hidden rule to produce a corresponding output.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 4

Initial description: Colored lines alternate from where the box was with a grey box alternating top or bottom.

Final description: Grey boxes alternate top and bottom while blue lines happen every other space starting from where it was.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 5

Initial description: The grid size for the test output stays the same size as the test input. You copy the pattern from the test input. Starting from the colored square you are to place a vertical line every other row going to the right. Where there is not a colored line, you place a gray square at the top of the grid then in the next area a gray square at the bottom of the grid. You repeat this pattern to the right until the end of grid.

Final description: The grid size for the test output stays the same size as the test input. You copy the pattern from the test input. Starting from the colored square you are to place a vertical line every other row going to the right. Where there is not a colored line, you place a gray square at the top of the grid then in the next area a gray square at the bottom of the grid. You repeat this pattern to the right until the end of grid.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: I assumed it was to extend the blue square up vertically, then alternate between black and blue until you reach the right side of the grid. Afterwards, I placed a gray square at the top of the first black vertical rectangle, then alternated between down and up until I reached the right side of the grid.

Final description: I assumed it was to extend the blue square up vertically, then alternate between black and blue until you reach the right side of the grid. Afterwards, I placed a gray square at the top of the first black vertical rectangle, then alternated between down and up until I reached the right side of the grid.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 7

Initial description: Starting at the first blue make a vertical line every other to the right. Grey space top, bottom, top, etc.

Final description: Starting at the first blue make a vertical line every other to the right. Grey space top, bottom, top, etc.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 8

Initial description: the rule is to extend the cell vertically upward until it touches the edge of the grid forming a column. this is repeated on alternate cells towards the right until the edge.

Final description: the rule is to complete the cell until it reaches the end of the grid. This repeated on alternate cells towards the right. A grey cell is inserted between this column formed.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 9

Initial description: The size of the input grid is replicated, then wherever there was the single colored cell, that same color extends vertically to the edge. That vertical bar then repeats on every other column. In the black columns in between, a single gray cell is output, alternating between the top and bottom cells, back and forth, starting from the top.

Final description: The size of the input grid is replicated, then wherever there was the single colored cell, that same color extends vertically to the edge. That vertical bar then repeats on every other column. In the black columns in between, a single gray cell is output, alternating between the top and bottom cells, back and forth, starting from the top.

Attempt 1: Correct