Participant 1

Initial description: Form a square frame with the darker blue squares, that goes through all 3 light blue squares.

Final description: Form a square frame with the darker blue squares, that goes through all 3 light blue squares.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: Match the light blue boxes, then use dark blue to create a connecting rectangle.

Final description: Match the light blue boxes, then use dark blue to create a connecting rectangle.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 3

Initial description: The light blue squares are in the same place in the input and output. For the output, a blue outline must be created to connect these individual squares in the shape of a rectangular outline.

Final description: The light blue squares are in the same place in the input and output. For the output, a blue outline must be created to connect these individual squares in the shape of a rectangular outline.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 4

Initial description: Create a box using the three blocks to create the borders of the box.

Final description: Create a box using the three blocks to create the borders of the box.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 5

Initial description: no light blue squares move, they just get connect by dark blue

Final description: no light blue squares move, they just get connect by dark blue

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: The grid size stays the same, as well as the light blue squares. Then the darker blue makes a connecting box.

Final description: I thought this made a box connecting the light blue boxes but I guess I was wrong.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 7

Initial description: Create a dark blue square from the light blue dots in the Input using one of them as the corner.

Final description: Create a dark blue square from the light blue dots in the Input using one of them as the corner.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 8

Initial description: 13×14 with 3 bluish squares.

Final description: I tried my best to count the rows amd columns

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 9

Initial description: i cant focus no more

Final description: help

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 10

Initial description: The output grid will match the input grid. Create a dark blue rectangle connecting the three light blue boxes, leaving the light blue squares their original color.

Final description: The output grid will match the input grid. Create a dark blue rectangle connecting the three light blue boxes, leaving the light blue squares their original color.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 11

Initial description: I think I got it

Final description: I think I got it

Attempt 1: Correct