Participant 1
Initial description: Color the boxes the corresponding colors to the squares at the top.
Final description: Color the boxes the corresponding colors to the squares at the top.

Participant 2
Initial description: The colors at the top go to the grey ones across from them.
Final description: The colors at the top go to the grey ones across from them.

Participant 3
Initial description: The colors marked at the top are a primer for the grey spaces indicated in the input. In the output, the color boxes correspond to the colors of the grey boxes directly below, working from left to right.
Final description: The colors marked at the top are a primer for the grey spaces indicated in the input. In the output, the color boxes correspond to the colors of the grey boxes directly below, working from left to right.

Participant 4
Initial description: The rule was to count the number of rows to determine the size of the grid and then count the blocks to know where to start the colors.
Final description: I looked at the example and figured out that the blocks directly underneath the single blocks were the same color.

Participant 5
Initial description: grey colour areas pink , green , red fill
Final description: grey colour areas pink , green , red fill

Participant 6
Initial description: cell on the top row is a specific color. below each top row cell is a large grey rectangle. the large rectangle shape changes to match the color of the above cell.
Final description: cell on the top row is a specific color. below each top row cell is a large grey rectangle. the large rectangle shape changes to match the color of the above cell.

Participant 7
Initial description: Make all rectangles/squares the same color as the input squares above them, respectively.
Final description: Make all rectangles/squares the same color as the input squares above them, respectively.

Participant 8
Initial description: to match the big bricks with the color of the small brick above it
Final description: to match the big bricks with the color of the small brick above it