Participant 1

Initial description: I thought the rule was to do two orange then purple and bring it down, then two orange, then purple and bring it down, then finish with orange at the end.

Final description: I thought the rule was to do two orange then purple and bring it down, then two orange, then purple and bring it down, then finish with orange at the end.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: Create an H shape using the alternate color.

Final description: Create an H pattern with a black contrast.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 3

Initial description: The images were just copied and the color was altered. I drew a solid orange line across from the beginning and then changed the colors to black for the spacing and pink to correspond. I then drew orange lines down and pink lines down. I then used black to create the gaps and finish the pattern.

Final description: The images were just copied and the color was altered. I drew a solid orange line across from the beginning and then changed the colors to black for the spacing and pink to correspond. I then drew orange lines down and pink lines down. I then used black to create the gaps and finish the pattern.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 4

Initial description: unknown

Final description: unknown

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 5

Initial description: Two orange with a purple going left to right. Up and down extends with the purple colors.

Final description: Two orange with a purple going left to right. Up and down extends with the purple colors.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: i dont know

Final description: experimenting

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 7

Initial description: Repeat a row of the original test input shape with a black square in between each repeat. Alternate colors in this row such that it is 2 orange, 1 pink, 2 orange, 1 pink, etc. Below the pink shapes, create a column going downward of the pink shapes repeating

Final description: Repeat a row of the original test input shape with a black square in between each repeat. Alternate colors in this row such that it is 2 orange, 1 pink, 2 orange, 1 pink, etc. Below the pink shapes, create a column going downward of the pink shapes repeating

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 8

Initial description: Create a pattern with orange and pink where the third pattern is pink and goes vertically down

Final description: Alternating every two orange with pink that vertically goes down

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 9

Initial description: Copy the test input. Then copy the color object across to the right, leaving one space between objects. For every third object, change the color and make copies vertically down to the end.

Final description: Copy the test input. Then copy the color object across to the right, leaving one space between objects. For every third object, change the color and make copies vertically down to the end.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 10

Initial description: The pattern was copied once with the same color and then copied again but with another color. Then the new color was copied going down until the bottom of the page. This pattern continued with two original colors and then one new with the shapes going down.

Final description: The image was copied once across the board. There were two that had the same color followed by one of a different color. This color was then copied going downward to the bottom of the grid. This continued across the grid.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 11

Initial description: Copy the first image and paste it continuously to the right with one block gap in between each image. On every 3rd repeition, changethe image to pink and extend that pink image downwards until the bottom of the page

Final description: Copy the first image and paste it continuously to the right with one block gap in between each image. On every 3rd repeition, changethe image to pink and extend that pink image downwards until the bottom of the page

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 12

Initial description: Made the grid then added the shapes and colors.

Final description: Made the grid, then added the shapes and colors.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct