Participant 1

Initial description: the top row has to be filled in with cyan colors, and the right side has to be filled in with cyan colors in the same position as well. the bottom also has to have pink at the top left of each of the blocks on the bottom while the bottom right most one needed to have a mixture of both colors.

Final description: the top row has to be filled in with cyan colors, and the right side has to be filled in with cyan colors in the same position as well. the bottom also has to have pink at the top left of each of the blocks on the bottom while the bottom right most one needed to have a mixture of both colors.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: Simply duplicating the input.

Final description: Playing around with colours.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 3

Initial description: i put the test input in first then looked at the examples to see where the changes happened and I think I did it right by adding extra colored sqaures where there were two or more in a row.

Final description: I thought I had to ad extra colored squares to make the row hll the same colors in the corners.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 4

Initial description: The input is an 8x8 grid with 2x2 blue squares separated by black vertical and horizonal lines in three different sections. When there is a shaded section of the 2x2 square that is not blue, the center blue 2x2 section of the blue square is shaded in if there is a section of that square shaded in the 2 x 2 squares to the right and left. The same is true vertically. If the upper and lower square contains a section of that 2x2 square with a different color, then the center 2x2 square will have the same shading in the output, corresponding to the location in that square.

Final description: The input is an 8x8 grid with 2x2 blue squares separated by black vertical and horizonal lines in three different sections. When there is a shaded section of the 2x2 square that is not blue, the center blue 2x2 section of the blue square is shaded in if there is a section of that square shaded in the 2 x 2 squares to the right and left. The same is true vertically. If the upper and lower square contains a section of that 2x2 square with a different color, then the center 2x2 square will have the same shading in the output, corresponding to the location in that square.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 5

Initial description: The if there is a color in the blue block another of the same color appears in the middle.

Final description: The if there is a color in the blue block another of the same color appears in the middle.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: replicate the grid from the test input into the output. the grid consists of 9 areas in a 3 x 3 grid, some of which contains colored squares. if there are two or more of the same color square horizontally or vertically, then complete the row or column by adding the appropriate color square.

Final description: replicate the grid from the test input into the output. the grid consists of 9 areas in a 3 x 3 grid, some of which contains colored squares. if there are two or more of the same color square horizontally or vertically, then complete the row or column by adding the appropriate color square.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 7

Initial description: Connect the colors

Final description: Connect the colors

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 8

Initial description: Using the same bar method place the bottom mauve color in the correct spots.

Final description: Using the same bar method place the blocks in the inside positions.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 9

Initial description: compte by having different colors

Final description: no proper instructions

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 10

Initial description: none

Final description: none

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 11

Initial description: Make the grid the same number as the output. Create a tic-tac-toe grid with black lines on a dark blue background. Place colored squares in the same location across or down in each section of the grid.

Final description: Make the grid the same number as the output. Create a tic-tac-toe grid with black lines on a dark blue background. Place colored squares in the same location across or down in each section of the grid.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 12

Initial description: I SELECT BASED ON THE EXAMPLE


Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct