Participant 1
Initial description: The rule was to fill in yellow the middle of the letter c and to repeat the patter on the outside.
Final description: The rule was to fill in yellow the middle of the letter c and to repeat the patter on the outside.
Participant 2
Initial description: The input is copied and then filled with yellow, from there the yellow extends out until the end of the grid. From where the C shape meets black, there are two diagonal colored lines extending from it.
Final description: The input is copied and then filled with yellow, from there the yellow extends out until the end of the grid. From where the C shape meets black, there are two diagonal colored lines extending from it.
Participant 3
Initial description: Fill in the C-shaped object with yellow and extend the yellow to the edge. Then make a diagonal yellow line to the edge from where the yellow meets the other color.
Final description: Fill in the C-shaped object with yellow and extend the yellow to the edge. Then make a diagonal yellow line to the edge from where the yellow meets the other color.
Participant 4
Initial description: Fill the red with yellow and have yellow protrude by one square each way then go diagonal
Final description: Fill the red with yellow then make yellow go out the exit fully to the edge on the sides have it go diagonally
Participant 5
Initial description: I SELECT BASED ON THE EXAMPLE
Participant 6
Initial description: Use yellow to color in the pattern's center and extend out using the same width as the pattern's middle. From just outside the middle of the pattern draw a diagonal yellow line.
Final description: Use yellow to color in the pattern's center and extend out using the same width as the pattern's middle. From just outside the middle of the pattern draw a diagonal yellow line.