Participant 1

Initial description: I tried to get the individual blocks close to the main block according to the original position of the block.

Final description: I tried to get the individual blocks close to the main block according to the original position of the block.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: The red squares stay in the same place and the gray square just over in to close up the space. If they are at an angle then it goes to the corner.

Final description: The red squares stay in the same place and the gray square just over in to close up the space. If they are at an angle then it goes to the corner.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 3

Initial description: Move the gray squares in one cardinal direction directly towards the closest red cell. If the gray cell is diagonal to the closest cell, move it diagonally and do not place adjacent to a red cell.

Final description: Move the gray squares in one cardinal direction directly towards the closest red cell. If the gray cell is diagonal to the closest cell, move it diagonally and do not place adjacent to a red cell.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 4

Initial description: All the red boxes needed to touch the grey.

Final description: I thought changing the grey boxes to red was the solution.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 5

Initial description: Move the scattered tiles using the most direct path so that they're touching the 2x2 square.

Final description: Move the scattered tiles using the most direct path so that they're touching the 2x2 square.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: I copied the input originally, and then I moved all the gray boxes horizontally and vertically towards the red box as long as they would touch directly when moved. I then moved the last box horizontally until 1 box shy of the red box and then moved it vertically until it was also one short of the top of the red box.

Final description: I copied the input originally, and then I moved all the gray boxes horizontally and vertically towards the red box as long as they would touch directly when moved. I then moved the last box horizontally until 1 box shy of the red box and then moved it vertically until it was also one short of the top of the red box.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 7

Initial description: very nice.

Final description: very nice.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 8

Initial description: The gray squares slide up to the orange squares if they're in the same row. If they're not in the same row, slide the gray square to the nearest outside corner

Final description: The gray squares slide up to the orange squares if they're in the same row. If they're not in the same row, slide the gray square to the nearest outside corner

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 9

Initial description: bring the gray squares closer to the red squares

Final description: bring the gray squares closer to the red squares

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 10

Initial description: grey squares attach to the closest point of the red square within a 4 square per side radius

Final description: grey squares attach to the closest point of the red square within a 4 square per side radius

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 11

Initial description: It looks like the red square(s) could be like a magnet drawing the gray squares in. So I moved the grey squares to the red block in a straight and diagonal path.

Final description: It looks like the red square(s) could be like a magnet drawing the gray squares in. So I moved the grey squares to the red block in a straight and diagonal path.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 12

Initial description: The grey color tiles are dragged into the red square, as if the red square is the center of gravity. Then the initial grey tiles need to be changed into black color.

Final description: The grey color tiles are dragged into the red square, as if the red square is the center of gravity. Then the initial grey tiles need to be changed into black color.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 13

Initial description: Move the gray blocks to the closest side or corner of the red block.

Final description: Move the gray blocks to the closest side or corner of the red block.

Attempt 1: Correct