Participant 1

Initial description: Repeat the pattern on the new grid. Start with a colored pixel, and fill in the rest of the row with the same color. Go all the way across. Next, fill the pixel in the far right column below each colored row with the same color. Repeat this for each row containing a colored pixel.

Final description: Repeat the pattern on the new grid. Start with a colored pixel, and fill in the rest of the row with the same color. Go all the way across. Next, fill the pixel in the far right column below each colored row with the same color. Repeat this for each row containing a colored pixel.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: I placed the colored dots on a 7x8 grid in the same spots. I extended each dot to the right edge. Then I went down until it touched a different colored line or the edge of the grid.

Final description: I placed the colored dots on a 7x8 grid in the same spots. I extended each dot to the right edge. Then I went down until it touched a different colored line or the edge of the grid.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 3

Initial description: Copy the test Input. Change all boxes on the same row and to the right of each colored box taken from the Input to the color of the box for that row. For the remaining black boxes in the right most vertical line of squares, change each one to the color of the square immediately above it, starting from the top. If the top square is black, leave it black, but all other boxes on the far right column should now have a non-black color.

Final description: Copy the test Input. Change all boxes on the same row and to the right of each colored box taken from the Input to the color of the box for that row. For the remaining black boxes in the right most vertical line of squares, change each one to the color of the square immediately above it, starting from the top. If the top square is black, leave it black, but all other boxes on the far right column should now have a non-black color.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 4

Initial description: smear to the right and down, or make melting backwards Fs

Final description: smear to the right and down, or make melting backwards Fs

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 5

Initial description: I tried to mimic what I saw in the example inputs/outputs and apply that same method to the test output.

Final description: I tried to mimic what I saw in the example inputs/outputs and apply that same method to the test output.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: Extend the same color from each block to the end of the grid, then add one more block in the same color directly beneath the last one.

Final description: Extend each color all the way to the right edge of the grid, then go down until you hit either another color or the bottom edge of the grid.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct

Participant 7

Initial description: Extend the color to the right until it hits the edge of the grid. Extend that color down until the hits the horizontal row of the next color below it. The colors should look like rotated "L" shapes.

Final description: Extend the color to the right until it hits the edge of the grid. Extend that color down until the hits the horizontal row of the next color below it. The colors should look like rotated "L" shapes.

Attempt 1: Correct