Participant 1

Initial description: The colors of each square progress in the opposite order from inside to outside.

Final description: The colors of each square progress in the opposite order from inside to outside.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 2

Initial description: Take the outside box and turn it inside.

Final description: I thought I should turn the colors inside out. Take the outside and put it on the inside. Then alternate this the rest of the way.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Incorrect
Attempt 3: Incorrect

Participant 3

Initial description: Change the colors of the concentric boxes to the reserve order.

Final description: Change the colors of the concentric boxes to the reserve order.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 4

Initial description: You're switching colors between the innermost colored square to the outermost colored square, starting with the innermost colored square.

Final description: You're switching colors between the innermost colored square to the outermost colored square, starting with the innermost colored square.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 5

Initial description: Place the shapes in the same places, but invert the colors.

Final description: Place the shapes in the same places, but invert the colors.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 6

Initial description: Reverse the order in which the colors or distributed among the different shapes.

Final description: Reverse the order in which the colors or distributed among the different shapes.

Attempt 1: Correct

Participant 7

Initial description: The output colors start with the color in the middle working your way outwards

Final description: Keep the same number pattern used for the input boxes and for the output boxes start with the innermost color as your outermost color and work your way inside out so that your input outermost color is the outputs outermost color.

Attempt 1: Incorrect
Attempt 2: Correct