Participant 1
Initial description: The single different colored square is the first vertex of a 1-cube width quadrilateral of the surrounding color.
Final description: The single different colored square is the first vertex of a 1-cube width quadrilateral of the surrounding color.

Participant 2
Initial description: I thought the rule was dependent on shape with the small square, larger square, and rectangle each having their own outline of the main color with the other color inside surrounded by a black interior.
Final description: Each shape has their own method to it which regardless of grid size is still the same and unique to each individual square or rectangle. It involves a border of the majority color, a design on the inside surrounded by black squares.

Participant 3
Initial description: The boxes stayed in place, were filled in black, and had crosses of the colors on the single cells within them inserted.
Final description: The boxes stayed in place, were filled in black, and had crosses of the colors on the single cells within them inserted.

Participant 4
Initial description: The boxes need to be emptied and then put an x in the middle.
Final description: The boxes need to be emptied and then put an x in the middle.

Participant 5
Initial description: Draw three squares with an X-shape inside of them. Their outer border colors should be the same as the color that makes up the majority of the corresponding input square shape, and the color of the X-shape should be the color of the one cell in side the colored input square that's different from the rest of the square shape.
Final description: Draw three squares with an X-shape inside of them. Their outer border colors should be the same as the color that makes up the majority of the corresponding input square shape, and the color of the X-shape should be the color of the one cell in side the colored input square that's different from the rest of the square shape.