Participant 1
Initial description: The grid becomes twice as wide and the original test out put is placed on the left side. Then it is mirrored on the right side.
Final description: The grid becomes twice as wide and the original test out put is placed on the left side. Then it is mirrored on the right side.

Participant 2
Initial description: The output consists of the original shape and a mirror image next to it.
Final description: The output consists of the original shape and a mirror image next to it.

Participant 3
Initial description: This one was really easy. All the example outputs show that they are just one-half of the inputs. The input is just a symmetrical duplicate of the output.
Final description: This one was really easy. All the example outputs show that they are just one-half of the inputs. The input is just a symmetrical duplicate of the output.

Participant 4
Initial description: I think that the rule is that the right side is a mirror image of the left side. You need to basically reverse the first image.
Final description: I think that the rule is that the right side is a mirror image of the left side. You need to basically reverse the first image.

Participant 5
Initial description: none
Final description: none

Participant 6
Initial description: First, the size of the grid is doubled to the right. For example, a 3x3 grid becomes a 3x6 grid. Second, the input is copied into the first 3x3 half of the new grid. Finally, the first 3x3 grid is flipped on it's right edge, so that the result is a mirror image of the left 3x3 grid on the right 3x3 grid, flipping along the first 3x3 grid's right edge.
Final description: First, the size of the grid is doubled to the right. For example, a 3x3 grid becomes a 3x6 grid. Second, the input is copied into the first 3x3 half of the new grid. Finally, the first 3x3 grid is flipped on it's right edge, so that the result is a mirror image of the left 3x3 grid on the right 3x3 grid, flipping along the first 3x3 grid's right edge.

Participant 7
Initial description: Based on the example, The 3x3 input grid is place next to the original horizontally but it is mirrored to form a 6x3 gird.
Final description: Based on the example, The 3x3 input grid is place next to the original horizontally but it is mirrored to form a 6x3 gird.

Participant 8
Initial description: The rule for this is that the output is doubled on the width. And then it is colored opposite from the test input
Final description: The rule for this is that the output is doubled on the width. And then it is colored opposite from the test input

Participant 9
Initial description: I doubled the size of the grid and then placed the outputs in a mirror image of the test inputs.
Final description: I increased the width of the grid by 3 and then put the input on the left side and mirrored the image to the left side.