Participant 1
Initial description: The squares in the green area need to be adapted to the ones in the black area that are able to be adapted.
Final description: The squares in the green area need to be copied to the ones in the black area. But you can only modify and add to colors already there, you can't add new squares.
Participant 2
Initial description: N/a
Final description: I was trying to copy over the board
Participant 3
Initial description: Change the shapes that have pieces of the matching images from the green bar into copies of the images by adding or changing blocks as needed.
Final description: Change the shapes that have pieces of the matching images from the green bar into copies of the images by adding or changing blocks as needed.
Participant 4
Initial description: Replicate the overall pattern, but any shapes appearing in the space above the green that fit into the shapes appearing below should be incorporated into new shapes matching what appears below.
Final description: Replicate the overall pattern, but create in the space above the green shapes matching those below.
Participant 5
Initial description: I left the green shapes alone and changes the shapes not in the green to match the ones in the green.
Final description: I thought it was to make all the shapes with the black background match the mtaching shapes with the green background.
Participant 6
Initial description: The squares with 9 blue squares need to have a red square added to the middle.
Final description: I couldnt find any consistent pattern to switch to the output
Participant 7
Initial description: copy the same patterns from the green blocks onto the black blocks
Final description: copy the same patterns from the green blocks onto the black blocks
Participant 8
Initial description: if you see the start of your shape in the black grid from the green grid fill it out to match the shape, otherwise dont touch it
Final description: if you see the shape from the green looking like it can form in the black form it completely otherwise leave it as is
Participant 9
Initial description: Leave "green background" patterns unchanged, and recreate any green background patterns to any possible patterns in the "black background".
Final description: I thought I was to only transform the objects in the green, and only by using additions. Then I changed the color for a few but still was unsuccessful.
Participant 10
Initial description: Using the shape and patterns given in the green zone, edit the given tiles in the black zone to match the aforementioned patterns. If it does not seem like you can make a pattern from the given shapes, ignore it.
Final description: Using the shape and patterns given in the green zone, edit the given tiles in the black zone to match the aforementioned patterns. If it does not seem like you can make a pattern from the given shapes, ignore it.
Participant 11
Initial description: Replicate the designs on the green on the black where applicable.
Final description: Replicate the designs on the green on to the black where applicable.
Participant 12
Initial description: I think the only thing I noticed different was the stripes.
Final description: I couldn't find a pattern.